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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Nadine Dorries on Camerosborne: Is she right?

The Milk of Human Unkindness?
So, Nadine Dorries believes that Cameron and Osborne are a couple of "...arrogant posh boys who don't know the price of a pint of milk..." OK, perhaps not the best argument - seeing as milk appears to be sold in litres now - but does it hit the spot? Are the PM and the Chancellor posh? Yes. Are they arrogant? Well, Osborne certainly is but Cameron is trying to be, well, sort of less arrogant...a bit. Do either of them know the price of milk? Do you? I didn't. Here are some examples of milk prices per litre at Mr Tesco's shop today: Semi-skimmed, 75p / Lacto-Free £1.29 / Slimmer Sterilised, 79p / Organic Semi-Skimmed, 68p / Channel Islands Milk, 88p / Whole Milk, 89p / Pro-Activ Flora, £1.20 / Organic Whole Milk, 90p. And the list goes on. How on earth could anyone, let alone a couple of "arrogant posh boys", know the price of a pint of milk? 
And anyway, who does Dorries think she is? Isn't she a privileged Tory toff herself? No, she isn't. She's a former nurse that lived in a council house, who did OK with a business supporting parents that she sold out to BUPA and then got all political and got a Tory seat, partly as a result of the desire to promote women by the party in 2005. She's a committed christian with some po-faced views on abortion and how naughty young people can be, getting pissed and shagging all the time, apparently. She probably does know the price of milk, though, and if she doesn't, you can bet your bottom Tesco Clubcard point that she will from know on. Dorries had a little problem during the MP expenses row that came to nothing and she has been a critic of the tiny little Speaker of the House (she thinks he's a bit "mental", so perhaps not too inaccurate an assessment). She also argued against the Society of Podiatrists report that high heels shouldn't be worn at work...and let's face it, she has a nicely turned ankle herself and is, to men of a certain age, a bit of a babe. But before I get excited, I have to remember that she's still a bloody Tory. That said, when she had a pop at one of her constituents that had posted 37,000 tweets while languishing at home on benefits, I think even hard-line socialists might have had some sympathy with the criticism (if only to try to understand what the target of Dorries' ordure could possibly have had to tweet about with such profligacy).

But let's not get side-tracked by the personality of Dorries. She was only the one that asked the question that most sane people have been asking since May 2010. It's a back-bench thing, too, even if one didn't expect it to come from the right hand side of the House. Either of the Ed Balls-up brothers, or indeed any other shadow cabinet member, just couldn't ask that sort of question publicly - but wouldn't it be fantastic if they did, instead of Harriet Harperson tossing off about Jeremy Hunt (24 April) even if she might succeed. Hunt is an also-ran.
Sam's Daddy - Probably wondering
how he'll be able to afford the
coal for his tiny hearth next winter
But yes, of course Dorries is right...Cameron and Osborne are arrogant posh boys. And they don't have to know the price of anything, seeing as there is very little that they can't afford, and that includes George's daddy's £400-a-roll wallpaper or SamCam's £2,000 bags. Their arrogance is simply a product of their privilege and the embedding of that privilege by the masters at Eton and St Paul's and then the society of Oxbridge. It wasn't Dave or Giddy's fault then, really, as they went through these processes at the behest of their families. Osborne, probably a bit pissed off that he didn't go to Eton, married Frances Howell, the daughter of David Howell, former Eton scholar and a member of Thatcher's Government. Cameron, conversely, must have been a bit pissed off that George was the son of a baronet and he wasn't, so he married the daughter of a baronet to compensate (SamCam's daddy is Sir Reginald Sheffield and she can claim distant cousinhood to the late Diana, Princess of Hearts, or Clubs or Whales or something or other; a potential queen that was murdered by a duke...according to an Egyptian quasi-potentate. It's complicated).

What is, however, the fault of Cameron and Osborne, is their perpetuation of the arrogance. But they know no other way, do they? It would be like suggesting to Arthur Scargill that he live a life of luxury in a grace-and-favour apartment in the Barbican and get a huge income from what remains of NUM funds to support that, hang on a minute...did that happen? Anyway, leopards rarely change their spots. So what we all have to do is simply acknowledge that Dorries has stated a fact and then deal with it. The posh boys will never give up their wealth. Neither will they give up their power unless we, the people, vote them out.

Oh, bugger! We have three years to get rid of the Eds and find an appropriate Labour alternative. Not long enough, then. So it'll be privileged, toff, posh, arrogant Tory bastards (who can't price milk) for ever? Nadine Dorries for PM!!! (Only joking)

Update: 7th May 2012
Dorries has now shared an opinion after the local elections that Cameron should stand down as leader of the Conservative Party (I assume that means as PM as well). She hasn't offered an alternate from within, but I'm guessing she means Hague, again.

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